Why is a healthy lifestyle important? BBC Bitesize

Composting not only reduces waste in landfills but also helps restore soil nutrients and support soil biodiversity, which means better nutrition availability and greater resilience for us. Dr. Bland recommends growing your own herbs, fruits, and veggies to enjoy fresh, nutrient-dense produce at home and reconnect with beneficial soil microbes. “Grow a small garden, even if it’s contained in planters,” he says. Research indicates those who do gardening have higher levels of good bacteria in their gut compared to non-gardeners due to exposure to soil microbiome. A small number of studies have linked happiness to other health benefits. You also need to make sure you exercise regularly to keep your heart, lungs and muscles strong and healthy.

Breaks and performance

  • She was previously an assistant editor at Prevention where she wrote monthly science-based beauty news items and feature stories.
  • They should also consider avoiding fried foods high in saturated and trans fats.
  • It appears that happiness may also help protect people who already have heart disease.
  • We’ll also discuss how tools like our Muse Headbands, which have an impressive 92% accuracy in detecting perceived stress and 87% in detecting anxiety, can enhance your break time.
  • It’s much harder to cope with stress if you are hungry or malnourished.
  • Another important way to make exercise easier is to choose an activity that you actually enjoy.
  • Since food equals calories, in order to lose weight you must either eat fewer calories, exercise more to burn off calories with activity, or both.

If you have a spine issue and you’re trying to sleep in a position that’s not comfortable, that’s your body telling you to shift. If you find a comfortable position that makes your body happy, that’s the right position for you. If you rely on your own skills and build healthy posture habits rather than using a posture corrector, you’re likely to have success. For instance, a study compared the effects of a short break with different activities versus no break on student’s ability to focus. Students were tasked with monitoring planned train routes over railway lines for 45 minutes. With the Muse Headbands, you can tap into this fascinating process firsthand.

Heart health

We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider. However, it can be difficult to fit in workouts around a busy schedule, particularly when you’re feeling exhausted from stress. See strategies, data, and resources to improve nutrition in states and communities. It’s also important to attend health screenings that you are due for — such as a breast mammogram or a colonoscopy.

  • These effects can manifest after even one night of insufficient sleep, highlighting the role of maintaining optimal mental and emotional functioning.
  • Exercise also helps you maintain a healthy attitude to problems and mental pressures.
  • Just a few minutes of meditation can reduce stress, enhance focus, and boost creativity, making your workday more productive and balanced.
  • Having more than that could have a negative effect on your health.

However, as you age, the importance of maintaining good health becomes more apparent. When you keep your body working well, you enjoy greater energy and fewer aches and pains. Like any other measure it is not perfect because it is only dependant on height and weight and it does not take into consideration different levels of adiposity based on age, physical activity levels and sex. For this reason it is expected that it overestimates adiposity in some cases and underestimates it in others. In children, BMI is calculated as for adults and then compared with z-scores or percentiles. During childhood and adolescence the ratio between weight and height varies with sex and age, so the cut-off values that determine the nutritional status of those aged 0–19 years are gender- and age-specific.

why is a healthy lifestyle important

Intrinsic motivation leads to more long-term dedication and can help you keep going when the going gets tough. Harvard experts are exploring how quality of life impacts both our mental and physical health. These are three important ways to take care of your body that you may not naturally think of as stress relievers. If you set goals to make these ideas a reality in your life, not only will you feel the difference immediately, but you will also see results in multiple areas of your life in the coming weeks and months.

Control stress

BMI, formerly called the Quetelet index, is a measure for indicating nutritional status in adults. It is defined as a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of the person’s height in metres (kg/m2). For example, an adult who weighs kg and whose height is 1.75 m will have a BMI of 22.9. BMI is derived from a person’s weight in kilograms, divided by height (squared) in centimetres. The recommended levels are adapted from the global WHO recommendation of 18.5–24.9 as a normal BMI.

Achieving a healthy lifestyle involves many aspects of your life–how you eat,how you move your body, and how you engage in self care activities. Reaching your goals can help you feel accomplished and boost your overall self confidence. For one person, that may mean walking a mile five times a week, eating fast food once a week, and spending virtual or in-person time with loved ones every other day. For someone else, a healthy lifestyle may be training and running two marathons a year, following a keto diet, and never having a sip of alcohol.

Why You Should Take Care of Your Body and Health

creating a healthy lifestyle

Many of us are familiar with advice on romantic relationships, but strong friendships are just as important as the bond with our intimate partners. Maintaining a big community throughout our lives can help us combat loneliness and keep us healthy. A healthy lifestyle can help you thrive as you move through your life’s journey. Making healthy choices isn’t always easy – it can be hard to find the time and energy to exercise regularly or prepare healthy meals. However, your efforts will pay off in many ways, and for the rest of your life. Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advances.

Keeping up to date with your vaccinations can also help prevent certain infections or diseases. For all of these reasons, it’s important for most adults to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. In addition to getting your heart pumping, spending less time sitting can improve your overall health. Of course, it’s OK to have a treat once in a while, but it’s best if the bulk of your everyday meals and snacks contain some of those vital nutrients.